
    Day Itinerary

    6 Activities
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    Day 3

    175 mi


    We will go down to the small but interesting Karlamanska cave and take a walk in the center of Beloretsk, which is full of sights.
    1.3 mi
    10 min


    Open Details
    Cooking is located in the historical center of Ufa. Nice and quiet atmosphere. Large selection of baked goods and other dishes.
    12.1 mi
    25 min
    Gazpromneft filling station #1

    Gazpromneft filling station #1

    Open Details
    Isn't it time to stop on vacation? You can warm up, fill up and buy goods on the way at Gazpromneft's filling stations.
    26.6 mi
    50 min
    Ҡарламан мәмерйәһе

    Ҡарламан мәмерйәһе

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    A small but interesting cave. It is located at the base of the Ulu-Tau rock.
    There used to be two entrances. Now one entrance is blocked with clumps and the other has an L-shaped bend that leads to a wide tunnel with steep walls, and the ceiling is almost horizontal.
    The width of the passages is from two to twelve meters, and the height is from five to ten meters. Its length is one hundred and ninety-eight metres (according to other sources it is two hundred and sixty-nine).
    At the bottom of the cave there is a lot of clay, you will easily get dirty. Choose clothes and shoes that you feel comfortable in.
    31.4 mi
    50 min
    Cafe "Grand"

    Cafe "Grand"

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    It's lunchtime. On the outskirts of the village Arkhangelsky we will stop at the roadside cafe "Grand".
    104.1 mi
    2 hrs 15 min

    Площадь Металлургов

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    The last point of our journey will be Beloretsk. We park on Tochissky Street in front of the Metallurgist cinema (Karl Marcas, 70a). You can get to this part of the street only from Lenin Street.
    Let's go for a walk around town. We'll start it on Tochissky Street, the same street we took to the cinema. We'll walk backwards from the car. There's a Friendship Square in the center of the street, and there are pleasant Stalinist houses on both sides.
    In a block, we'll go out to Sovetsuya Square. It is decorated with a water tower built in 1916. To the right behind the trees there is a green building of the Bashkir gymnasium.
    We go further down Tochisky Street to the dam of Beloretsky pond. There is a bust of Kalinin on the bridge near the dam. On the other side of Tochissky Street a small square is broken. There is a monument to metallurgists who fell in battles during the Great Patriotic War, the building of the former Beloretskaya hydroelectric power plant and a rock formation.
    We'll take a left on Blücher Street. Here we will be met by a two-storey building of the plant management, and opposite it in the square there is a monument to the founder of Beloretsky iron-making plant Ivan Borisovich Tverdyshev.
    From the square we will cross the Belyaya River on the pedestrian bridge, the trail will lead us past the garages, go straight ahead, cross July 5 and Lenin Street and we will get to Kosorotov Street. It's not remarkable, but there are well-groomed houses along it.
    A row of concrete blocks will stand on the left side of the block. From here starts the pedestrian part of Karl Marx Street. We'll turn on it and go back to the Metallurgist cinema after a block.
    0.1 mi
    5 min

    Ресторан кинотеарта Металлург

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    The road ahead is quite long, so I suggest dinner in Beloretsk. The restaurant of the "Metallurg" cinema is probably the best place in the city. Here you can taste European, Italian, Japanese and Russian cuisine. Just what you need to complete a busy trip!
    Day 2
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