
    Day Itinerary

    11 Activities
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    Day 1

    207 mi

    Eastern slope of the Ural Ridge

    We will visit Verkhneuralsk, where we will walk in the city center. Then we will go to Uchaly, where we will see one of the deepest quarries in the Urals. From here we will go to Chashkovsky ridge, where we will visit a mountain with a high rock on the top, which overlooks the surrounding area. And we'll finish the day with a walk on Zlatoust.
    Gazpromneft filling station #284

    Gazpromneft filling station #284

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    All right, guys, let's go, shall we? Before the start, we recommend filling up with quality fuel at Gazpromneft's filling stations. You can pay for the fuel quickly and contactlessly in the application.
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    36.6 mi
    50 min
    Station park in Verkhneuralsk

    Station park in Verkhneuralsk

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    Verkhneuralsk is a small town. Here almost all the sights are concentrated around the station park. It is the park itself, the building of the local history museum and a curious monument in front of it - a kettlebell, several monuments along Lenin Street and the obelisk Europe - Asia.
    0.6 mi
    5 min
    Upper Urals Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker

    Upper Urals Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker

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    This is the oldest cathedral in the vicinity of Magnitogorsk. It was built in 1870.
    43 mi
    1 hr 10 min
    Viewpoint of the Uchalinsk zinc quarry

    Viewpoint of the Uchalinsk zinc quarry

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    Next, we're going to Uchaly. Here on the outskirts of the city there is a huge quarry, where copper ore is mined. This quarry is one of the deepest in the Urals.
    On the northern side of the quarry there is an observation deck. But since the quarry is surrounded from all sides by buildings of Uchalinsky GOK, you can approach it only through the forest.
    Leave the car on the side of the road at this point: 54.322205° N, 59.428139° E. and walk along the power line for about 400 meters, then turn left into the forest and after another 400 meters you will exit to the quarry.
    Coordinates of the observation deck: 54.317925° N, 59.423804° E.
    3.5 mi
    10 min
    Cafe "Conversation"

    Cafe "Conversation"

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    It's time for lunch. And Cafe Conversation is on its way.
    55.8 mi
    1 hr 30 min
    Golukha Mountain on the Chashkovsky Ridge

    Golukha Mountain on the Chashkovsky Ridge

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    The Chashkovsky range stretches for 16 km from the town of Miass to the outskirts of the village of Kundrava. It consists of many slides from 400 to almost 600 meters high. Hundreds of rock remains are scattered on the tops of the range.
    Among the mountains of the ridge the most interesting is Golukha. This is the highest point of the ridge. A long rocky ridge stretches to the top. It offers a view of tens of kilometers around. Nurali, Urenga and Taganay ridges can be seen on the horizon.
    The Blue Mountain is notable for its through hole in the horizontal slab on top. You can climb up from below, stick your head out and get an interesting photo as a memory.
    Be sure to take a flashlight for a walk as it may get dark.
    29.7 mi
    1 hr

    Горный парк им П. П. Бажова

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    We're going to Zlatoust from Chashkovsky Ridge. Here we will visit the mountain park Bazhov.
    The park is filled with sculptures inspired by Bazhov's tales. But the park is not limited to the characters of fairy tales. Baba Yaga's hut, forest throne, well, Snake Gorynych, book-reading sculptures and much more have been created on its territory.
    There is also an exhibition gallery in the Mountain Park. In it you can get acquainted with a collection of the Ural minerals and Zlatoust arms, with expositions about development of crafts.
    In the park, you should take a look at the bell tower, which overlooks the central part of Zlatoust and where you can hit the bell. The tower is very young, it was built in 2006.
    1.7 mi
    10 min

    Храм Серафима Саровского

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    We will move closer to the historical part of Zlatoust to the intersection of Gagarin Avenue, Taganayskaya Street and Northern Street.
    At the crossroads, you will be met by a memorial to the 40th anniversary of Victory. And behind it there are two temples: John the Baptist and Seraphim of Sarov.
    Turn left and there will be a parking lot in front of the temples before the tramway.
    This place is located on a hill, a pond has been dug and there is a beautiful view of the surrounding area.
    1.7 mi
    5 min

    Площадь 3-го интернационала

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    It is the square where the watch factory, Arsenal, Bulat Cold Weapons Factory and other historical buildings of Zlatoust are located.
    Park on Lenin Street in front of the watch factory (Lenin, 2). It is a red brick three-storey building built in 1941.
    A monument to Zlatoust metallurgist Anosov was erected next to him on the 3rd International Square.
    At the factory building "Bulat" you will see a monument to the heroes of the front and rear.
    Across the street from the Arsenal, there's a city garden.
    Now let's take a little walk down Lenin Street and walk to the building of the former Ural cinema. In front of it there is an interesting monument to Pegasus.
    31.3 mi
    50 min
    Old Town

    Old Town

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    Ресторан расположен при гостинице "Сонькиной лагуны". Красивый интерьер, сытная еда, красивая подача блюд.
    4 mi
    10 min

    Guest House On Torgovaya

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    It's been a busy day, and it's time to rest...
    Day 2
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