
    Day Itinerary

    16 Activities
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    Day 1

    218 mi2 mi

    The Coast from Lisbon to Porto : Between Waves, Castles, Colors and Relaxation Breaks

    This first day will be about being slow.... I will suggest many things, one more beautiful than the other but I would do them slowly, savoring every moment. As if you want to reconnect with nature, with time now past and time to come. You will stroll through the narrow streets of one of Portugal's most beautiful villages, breathe in the ocean air at the foot of a lighthouse and watch giant waves in Nazaré. Finally, you'll arrive in Porto to enjoy some nightlife on the riverfront.

    Mobiletric Charging Station

    Open Details
    Because it is not always easy to find the right place to recharge your car, in this itinerary I point out several so you have a way to choose which is the best time for a recharging stop.
    For any information, there is a 24-hour call center here. It is specifically for electric cars and the number to call is 800210204.
    Type: CCS 2 stations, 2 plugs Power: 50 -160 kW
    0.2 mi
    5 min
    Intermarché Torres Vedras

    Intermarché Torres Vedras

    Shopping Mall
    Open Details
    What is the best way to wait for the machine to recharge? A snack, of course!
    In this store you can find ready-made food, treats and various delicacies. Choose what you want and enjoy it. You'll restart happier!
    0.2 mi
    5 min

    Mobiletric Charging Station

    Open Details
    Your belly is full and many activities await you.
    Get back in the car, buckle up and hit the road!
    23.6 mi
    40 min
    Castelo de Óbidos

    Castelo de Óbidos

    Open Details
    Letting your instincts take you aimlessly through its narrow alleys, pretty white houses and bougainvillea plants adorning the terraces is the best way to be able to experience the atmosphere of the village of Òbidos, listed in 2007 among the 7 Wonders of Portugal, perhaps by shopping from the small artisans, who still manage to make a living from their art within the crenellated walls, or by immersing yourself in medieval tradition while sipping Ginjia de Òbidos on Rua Direita, a famous local black cherry drink strictly served in chocolate shots.
    If what attracts you to Portugal's most famous medieval village is its historical atmosphere, I recommend you don't miss visiting in July when the 21st century gives way to the Middle Ages by transforming the castle into the largest open-air theater. In fact, July is the month of the "Mercado medieval," a real fair in which performances, traditional rituals, dances, concerts, weapons displays and, last but not least, dinners and tastings at which you will be accompanied by donkeys, ponies or local people strictly dressed in period clothing.
    Envious of their outfits? Don't worry, to fully enjoy the experience you too can rent traditional clothes and tele transport you to the Middle Ages!
    Entrance to the village is generally free but there are times of the year when you have to pay a small fee to gain access: in July because it is the month of the Mercado medieval, during the Chocolate Festival that takes place between April and May, and during the Christmas markets.
    The castle can only be visited externally because it houses inside the first Pousada historica in all of Portugal (a chain of Portuguese luxury hotels made out of historic buildings).
    For more information, visit the official website by clicking here
    1.1 mi
    10 min
    Ja!mon Ja!mon

    Ja!mon Ja!mon

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    Small, cozy place with wide selection of tapas, great sangria and super knowledgeable staff ready to recommend the best dishes of the day.
    You must definitely try the stewed pork cheek and the fish tris. The bread is made by them and the desserts are delicious: not to be missed.
    Visit their FB page by clicking here, or call +351964789306. The restaurant is open daily from 12:30 to 3:30 PM and from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. It is open for lunch only on Sundays and is closed on Mondays.
    24.1 mi
    40 min

    EDP Charging Station

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    It is not necessary but you are on vacation and near this charging station there is a nice beach that takes you to the lighthouse. Why not leave your car here and walk there?
    Type: CCS 1 station, 1 plug Power: 50 kW
    0.3 mi
    5 min
    Praia da Nazaré

    Praia da Nazaré

    Open Details
    Ocean wind and the classic smell of seaside resorts. Take a walk here, stretch your legs and clear your head. If they say that in front of the sea everything is easier, let alone in front of the ocean....
    0.3 mi
    5 min

    EDP Charging Station

    Open Details
    Get back in the car. The next destination is less than 5km away and is considered a paradise for surfers and even surfers. Go and have fun!
    2.4 mi
    15 min
    Nazaré Panorâmica

    Nazaré Panorâmica

    Open Details
    Do you know what a Big Mama is? At 35 m high, it is the biggest wave in the world and was ridden in 2018 by Portuguese Hugo Vau right here in Nazaré.
    The Atlantic Ocean pounding the coast of Nazarè makes this place a surfer's paradise and the ugliest hell for the poor fishermen who always have to be careful and protect themselves from the threatening waves.
    Today, Nazarè is considered a major tourist and sports attraction and is the engine of the local economy.
    Do you know why it is here that the most daring surfers are in search of the roughest waves to ride? Nazaré's Praia do Norte is where an enormous underwater canyon 230 km long and up to 5,000 metres deep ends just one kilometre from the beach. The funnel effect created by the canyon, with the complicity of strong winter winds, generates waves that can exceed 30 metres in height.
    Don't worry, no life-threatening risks for you except for the danger of being breathless before the force of nature. Climb to the highest point of Forte de Sao Miguel Arcanjo, take a break from the world, open your arms, breathe deeply and enjoy the immense spectacle that only nature can offer.
    The site is open 24/7, it is free and the best time of year to admire the famous record-breaking waves is between October and March, but the immensity of the ocean from above will not let you down regardless! Word of a person who has made it there and found the ocean calmer than a surfboard!
    65.3 mi
    1 hr 20 min
    Baloiço de Soure Alfarelos

    Baloiço de Soure Alfarelos

    Open Details
    Feel like taking a break? Along the way is this little balcony that offers sweeping views of the rice-rich valley and the ancient but well-preserved castle of Montemor o Velho, the largest fortification along the rio Mondego. Long disputed between Muslims and Christians, it represents an important historical site, especially for the value it acquired during the Reconquista.
    57.6 mi
    1 hr 10 min
    EDP Comercial Charging Station

    EDP Comercial Charging Station

    Open Details
    It is time to recharge. Let's give the necessary energy back to the machine and also to our bodies. Shall we take a coffee break?
    Type: CCS 2 stations, 2 plugs Power: 120-160 kW
    0.1 mi
    5 min
    Colibri Antuã N/S

    Colibri Antuã N/S

    Open Details
    Have a coffee, eat a treat, and take advantage of the free WiFi. You can also sample local products or buy and taste them at another time!
    0.1 mi
    5 min
    EDP Comercial Charging Station

    EDP Comercial Charging Station

    Open Details
    Set off again, Porto is waiting for you! Go straight to the hotel to leave your car and then enjoy the city on foot.
    44.3 mi
    1 hr
    Ribeira do Porto

    Ribeira do Porto

    Open Details
    What better welcome than the picturesque pastel-colored houses that stand along Porto's cobblestone alleyways beside the Douro River! Praça da Ribeira, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is Porto's historic district as well as the scene of the city's nightlife and a nerve center of commerce since Roman times, when the seaport that later gave the city its name was established here.
    To take a nighttime stroll along the riverfront, perhaps while sipping a good glass of Porto, is to enjoy a crib-like atmosphere magically created by the small lights on the city's houses and monuments. Impossible not to notice the majestic Dom Luís, a bridge that with its two floors, which can be crossed by car, streetcar or even on foot, crosses the river connecting the city to its twin Vila Nova de Gaia. On the banks of the river you can admire the famous barcos rabelos, characteristic boats historically equipped to transport the famous Port wine from the production cellars to the warehouses located right in the twin city, today mainly used for tourist cruises on the river. If you are wondering how it was possible before the construction of the Dom Luís to cross the river, just look next to its foundations at the pillars of an old improvised pier, formerly composed of 20 boats tied together, called Ponte das Barcas. Of the unstable bridge, unfortunately, only the pillars remain since the city was attacked during the Spanish War of Independence in 1809, and a crush of fleeing people sank the boats. Today you can visit the Alminhas da Ponte, a monument dedicated to the more than 4,000 people who drowned during the tragedy.
    0.6 mi
    15 min
    Tapabento S.Bento

    Tapabento S.Bento

    Open Details
    Looking for something typical? Then sit at the counter, get all the tapas you want and accompany them with local wine. The quality is exceptional, the flavor is delicious. The staff is friendly and always tries to accommodate your requests, the owner is friendly and can entertain her guests in as many as 4 different languages.
    It is open from Wednesday to Sunday, 12:00 to 3:00 pm and 7:00 to 10:30 pm. The restaurant is tiny and there are never enough place settings. Reservations are essential. Check out their menu here and call +351912881272
    0.6 mi
    10 min

    Guest House Douro

    Open Details
    Panoramic views, romantic decor and breakfast included in the price-the perfect combination for a night in Porto.
    You're right in the center, a stone's throw from all the tourist attractions and you're also well connected to the rest of the city, but the icing on the cake is the hospitality of Carmen and Joao, the owners of the property.
    Day 2
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