
    Day Itinerary

    16 Activities
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    Day 1

    28 mi0.9 mi

    Ragusa e Modica

    On this 1 day I will take you to discover the Unesco sites of the cities of Ragusa and Modica.

    Aeroporto di Comiso "Pio La Torre" (CIY)

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    Our journey begins ... welcome to the Comiso airport!


    The first stop on the journey that I suggest is Ragusa... here I will take you to discover the new city, totally built after the 1693 earthquake and the old one, named Ragusa Ibla, with is late medieval well-preserved aspect, mixed visto the Baroque style. If you want, here is a wonderful audiotour from izi.TRAVEL!
    1 mi
    5 min

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    The hotel I suggest for you to stay these 4 days is "Iblachiara", very comfortable, excellent breakfast with good and fragrant hot croissants accompanied with a good coffee .. what can I say great to start the day and face the journey!
    2.2 mi
    10 min

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    If you decide to spend a stay in the baroque city of Ragusa, you should not miss the stop at the Locanda di Don Serafino. Located in a 19th century baroque style building, excellent food, 5 star hotel restaurant, on of the best restaurant not only in Sicily but in the whole Italy, where the starry chef Vincenzo Candiano will offer you a "food experience" or a "wine and cheese tasting". It's expensive, so be prepared, but this is one of the incredible food experience you could have here!
    1.5 mi
    10 min

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    After eating, the very first stop will be in Ragusa Ibla, where we must not miss the stop at the Cathedral of San Giorgio. Example of Sicilian Baroque, this church gives the visitor the opportunity to see the grandiose dome and the grand staircase. Inside the Cathedral of San Giorgio we can see a Latin cross shape, divided in three naves, thanks to ten massive and imposing stone pillars, and semi-circular apses.
    0.1 mi
    5 min

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    After visiting the Duomo, you cannot miss a long walk in Piazza Duomo, the main square of the city.
    1 mi
    5 min

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    Walking around the streets, we also notice one of the 4 oldest and main gardens of Ragusa.The villa of Ragusa Ibla was built in 1858 on the initiative of some local nobles. Most of the people worked for free for its construction. From a magnificent avenue flanked by numerous palm trees, the garden it is very well maintained and adorned with well-carved benches, columns with stone vases carved in different shapes and an elegant balcony with a limestone fence. A monument dedicated to the fallen of the First World War is imposing in the center of the villa. Inside there are the church of San Vincenzo Ferreri, the church of San Giacomo and the church of the Capuchins. Near the garden, there are also the archaeological excavations of Ragusa Ibla.
    2.7 mi
    10 min

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    Another well known structure is the Cathedral of San Giovanni Battista, in the new and upper part of Ragusa. The Church was originally located in the western part under the walls of the medieval castle, before the earthquake of 1693; the it was rebuilt in the center of upper Ragusa. The entrance portal is embellished by columns and the statue of the Immaculate Conception. On the sides instead we find the statue of St. John the Baptist. The two side portals are very beautiful, in the second order two large sundials dating back to 1751 stand out, of which the one on the left measures the time in Italic hours, from sunset to sunset, while the one on the right measures the time in Italic hours, from sunset to right measures time in French hours, that is, from midnight to midnight. The interior is a Latin cross, with a dome supported by eight pillars. There are 14 columns in all, dividing the three naves, and the floor is made of pitch stone. The central nave has golden rococo-style stuccos attributed to the Gianforma brothers.
    9.5 mi
    25 min


    The next Baroque city I suggest you to discover is Modica! Here you can walk through its streets, go up and down through its stairs and full your eyes with its incredible beauties... If you want a guided audiotour, here is a suggested one from izi.TRAVEL!
    0.6 mi
    5 min

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    The Cathedral of San Pietro is part, like the Cathedral of San Giorgio, of theWorld Heritage Sites UNESCO list. After the earthquake in 1693 the church was restored and today it has a very refined facade divided into two orders, and embellished with four statues, depicting San Cataldo, Santa Rosalia, San Pietro and the Madonna, which enrich the second order. Everything is surmounted, at the apex of the facade, by the sculpture, in high relief, of a triumphant Jesus Christ. A monumental staircase, embellished by the statues of the 12 apostles on the sides, makes the entrance even more majestic.The interior instead, has 3 naves with 14 columns that support Corinthian capitals, a beautiful floor (made whit white marble, polychrome marble and black pitch), and the sumptuous vault, rich in frescoes, depicting scenes from the Old and New Testament. The right aisle houses two statuary groups: the copy of the "Madonna di Trapani ", and the polychrome" St. Peter and the paralytic ".
    0.1 mi
    5 min

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    After a long day, full of things, it's time to enjoy an aperitif in a bar located in the city center.
    0.3 mi
    10 min

    museo del cioccolato, modica

    History Museum
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    If we are in Modica, obviously we cannot miss the stop at the chocolate museum and also to taste the Modica chocolate. Chocolate is the symbol of this land, it finds its greatest celebration in a museum that collects its history and flavors. Inaugurated in 2014 in a wing of the prestigious Palace of Culture, it offers visitors an engaging itinerary that reveals curiosity about this delicacy. A very surprising thing is the miniature of Italy made of chocolate, a large bas-relief of about nine meters, placed in the largest hall, entirely made of chocolate, where each regional capital is highlighted by representative sculptures.
    0.3 mi
    5 min

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    Leaving the Chocolate Museum, we are in front of the main square of the city, surrounded by shops and pubs.
    0.5 mi
    10 min

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    And now it's time for a great dinner! I greatly recommend to eat in this fantastic Modica trattoria. Almost lost flavors return to the table, as they once were. Osteria dei Sapori perduti - which means Osteria of Lost Flavors - offers the original taste of true Modican and Sicilian cuisine. The atmosphere, together with the hospitality and the ancient recipes, are all the typical ingredients of the Sicilian tradition carried on with pride by the Muriana family. One of the recommended plates are the modicani ravioli!
    8.3 mi
    20 min

    Ragusa Ibla

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    After eating modicani ravioli and meat with sauce, I suggest you return to Ragusa Ibla, to take a long "digestive" walk and enjoy the Ragusan nightlife, before returning in your hotel!
    1 mi
    5 min

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    Return to the hotel, tomorrow a long day is waiting for you!
    Day 2
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