
    Day Itinerary

    2 Activities
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    Day 6

    249 mi

    Wake Up in Vegas and Wrap Up Your Trip in Phoenix

    It's the final day of your monster road trip throughout the Southwest. You'll explore the land around Lake Mead, tour the Hoover Dam and see a few other sights before heading back to where it all began in Phoenix. The last leg of the road trip is a long one, so pace yourself. It's another busy day.
    Translated by
    39.6 mi
    50 min
    10:1545 min

    Hoover Dam Visitor Center

    See the Hoover Dam, the 726-foot-tall concrete marvel that closed off the Colorado River to create Lake Mead.
    A few different tours are available, but today you'll take a simple self-guided Visitors Center tour, which is next to the dam itself and allows you to view exhibits at your own pace. The true highlight is the upstairs deck, which has sweeping views of the Hoover Dam and is absolutely the best place to snap photos.
    Reserve tickets online. A convenient parking garage is next door and requires a fee.
    Translated by
    209.9 mi
    3 hrs 30 min
    16:4510 min

    Hassayampa Rest Area

    It's a long drive between Kingman and Phoenix. After passing through the historic cowboy town of Wickenburg, this rest stop is a good option for taking a break. It has plenty of parking, clean bathrooms and outdoor areas to stretch your legs. Posted signs have details about wildlife in the area.
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    Day 5
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