    19 Activities

    A Day of Pure Romance Heading for the Adriatic Coast

    A Day of Pure Romance Heading for the Adriatic Coast
    Starts from



    By Car






    12 hrs 14 min


    40 mi

    Route details

    Starts from



    By Car




    12 hrs 14 min


    40 mi

    • Natural Attractions
    • Unusual Locations
    • Gastronomy
    • Relaxation
    • Cross-border
    Map preview
    Virna de Bonis Loureiro

    Virna de Bonis Loureiro

    Travel Expert

    • Board the train that takes you to a magical unknown world.
    • Drink a glass of wine on a terrace by the blue sea.
    • Lose yourselves in the gardens of an enchanted castle.
    • Delight in the lights of the sunset reflecting on the canal.
    A route designed for a romantic getaway for two. A day full of magical places and paradisiacal surroundings. First, visiting an unbelievable grotto with amusemet formation out of this world. Then, exploring an Italian city famous for its charm, its landscapes and beautiful buildings. The best of Italian gastronomy will be one of the protagonists in this ideal day designed to last in your memories forever.
    You will visit a legendary castle with breathtaking views of the blue sea and gardens that look like something out of a painting. The beach and the corners of this place will be an ideal setting to feel free and full of life.
    A beautiful terrace by the sea will be where you will have lunch. You'll visit the most endearing and beautiful corners of a city with a lot of history to tell: a canal at sunset, a hill with balconies that open onto the valley, a fountain with extraordinary views, the oldest café with the aroma of memories, a wide square that opens onto the sea, a harbour only for kings and queens... Dining in a romantic and lovely place. These are just a few of the highlights of what you will experience on this trip.
    I recommend you to read in advance the proposed places, to make reservations where necessary so you can travel without worries and to take the appropriate clothing for the proposed experiences.


    A route designed for a romantic getaway for two. A day full of magical places and paradisiacal surroundings. First, visiting an unbelievable grotto with amusemet formation out of this world. Then, exploring an Italian city famous for its charm, its landscapes and beautiful buildings. The best of Italian gastronomy will be one of the protagonists in this ideal day designed to last in your memories forever.
    You will visit a legendary castle with breathtaking views of the blue sea and gardens that look like something out of a painting. The beach and the corners of this place will be an ideal setting to feel free and full of life.
    A beautiful terrace by the sea will be where you will have lunch. You'll visit the most endearing and beautiful corners of a city with a lot of history to tell: a canal at sunset, a hill with balconies that open onto the valley, a fountain with extraordinary views, the oldest café with the aroma of memories, a wide square that opens onto the sea, a harbour only for kings and queens... Dining in a romantic and lovely place. These are just a few of the highlights of what you will experience on this trip.
    I recommend you to read in advance the proposed places, to make reservations where necessary so you can travel without worries and to take the appropriate clothing for the proposed experiences.
    Virna de Bonis Loureiro

    Virna de Bonis Loureiro

    Travel Expert

    • Board the train that takes you to a magical unknown world.
    • Drink a glass of wine on a terrace by the blue sea.
    • Lose yourselves in the gardens of an enchanted castle.
    • Delight in the lights of the sunset reflecting on the canal.

    Day Itinerary

    19 Activities
    Map preview

    Day 1

    36 mi4 mi

    An Otherworldly Grotto and the Italian Charm

    Enjoy a day of pure romance!! First, you explore a magical grotto with a charming little train and discover the most fantastic formations you could imagine. Then you'll have many special moments in an Italian city that will make you both fall in love, due to its beautiful and enchanting places. An impressive castle will give you unforgettable views of the Adriatic Sea, you will stroll through the paradisiacal garden that surrounds it and you will learn about a legend that has been linked to this idyllic place...
    In the city you will walk through its quaint streets, walk hand in hand across its beautiful canal and enjoy a magical café, unique for its history and charm. You will eat in the best places to taste the delicacies of this land and enjoy with all your senses in every place.
    A romantic getaway to enjoy every instant and where beauty and history will give you the ideal setting to let you both loose in every corner.
    Postojna Cave

    Postojna Cave

    Open Details
    Hello! Welcome to this Romantic Route and thank you for choosing it ! You'll start this day exploring this peculiar grotto, where you'll enjoy the most incredible formations you could imagineas. A train will take you along a tunnel, right into the heart of the cave and you'll be astonished with the strange world you'll find down there.
    It's such a magical place.. I loved it!!. But there's something very important I must tell you... It's really cold down there!! Brrrr...... I strongly recommend you take a warm cloth to go down the cave, as temperature is about 10º degrees, no matter how hot it's outside.
    The visit takes about an hour and a half.
    Here you can get your tickets in advance. Here's the timetable throughout the year.
    28.6 mi
    50 min
    Ristorante Trattoria Tre Merli

    Ristorante Trattoria Tre Merli

    Open Details
    A large and beautiful terrace by the sea, the soft breeze, two glasses of white wine ( or red... or champagne maybe?...I don't know... What do you both prefer? )
    This restaurant can be deceiving on the outside, it doesn't look very picturesque. But inside and above all, the terrace is a dream. Ideal for this romantic getaway.
    For reservations and more information see here.. For reservations you can call them by phone.
    When I went with my husband we didn't make reservations in advance and even so, we had no problem sitting at a table on the terrace, which had a beautiful view that I'll never forget.
    It's open from Tuesday to Sunday from 12:00 to 14:30 h. and from 19:30 to 22:30 h. It closes on Mondays.
    2.4 mi
    10 min
    Miramare, Parking

    Miramare, Parking

    Open Details
    Welcome to one of the most romantic corners of Trieste!
    I suggest you to park here.
    0.3 mi
    5 min
    Door of the Bora

    Door of the Bora

    Open Details
    Walking along the promenade to this gate is a pleasure for the senses and a delight for the eyes: the beach, the views of the sea... And crossing this gate you access the palace gardens which is another place of endearing beauty.
    I walked here with my husband before I knew that one day he would become my husband... it sounds like centuries ago.... But it wasn't that long ago... Or so I like to think?
    0.2 mi
    5 min
    Miramare Castle

    Miramare Castle

    Open Details
    What could be more romantic than walking together around a beautiful castle, on the edge of a blue sea, in the middle of a gorgeous park?... All you need is a violinist adding music to the scene and then everything would be a perfect fairytale...
    This castle made a great impression on me, it's location and the whole surroundings are so idyllic. Everything feels just so magical... And speaking of which. I must tell you that this beautiful castle hides some dark legends. The best known one says that an early death will come to anyone who lives in it for a period of time, for such was the fate of its builder (Maximilian of Hasburg), an Italian duke and an Austrian general. All of them were killed after having lived in the castle for some time.
    Fortunately this place does not offer the service of accommodating tourists... so don't be afraid!
    The castle is open daily from 9:00 to 19:00 h. If you want to buy your tickets in advance you can do it here
    0.1 mi
    5 min
    Sphinx of Miramare

    Sphinx of Miramare

    Open Details
    This Egyptian sphinx overlooking the Adriatic Sea is original. It is a relic belonging to the Hasburgs. From this point you have a beautiful view of the castle.
    This is an ideal place for kissing selfies!!
    0.3 mi
    10 min
    Miramare Castle

    Miramare Castle

    Open Details
    If there is something perhaps as beautiful as the sea views and the castle itself, it is the huge park that surrounds this castle. With a variety of plants and trees brought from different places. It is a paradise to stroll around and get lost in.
    Walking through the park you will find a small castle, it was commissioned by the owner of the castle and he resided there many times with his wife ( Yes, having such a castle, they enjoyed residing in the house.. I'll say that I understand that. When I lose my car keys or my glasses.. I can't imagine if I had to look for them all over a castle. It would be desperate. Surely this gentleman had the same problem ... hahaha! )
    The thing is that the Castelletto, as they called this house, has breathtaking views embracing the port of Grignano. This is where Massimiliano's wife took refuge after her husband's murder.
    The park is open during daylight hours and so the opening hours vary from winter to summer, closing at 15:00 h. in winter and 19:00 h. in summer.
    0.5 mi
    15 min
    Miramare, Parking

    Miramare, Parking

    Open Details
    I know that the surroundings of the Miramare castle are so enchanting that you can spend hours and hours enjoying them... But there is still a lot to walk around and enjoy.
    I suggest you to go back to the car to have lunch at a very nice place.
    5.2 mi
    20 min
    Park San Giusto

    Park San Giusto

    Open Details
    I recommend you park here, its location is ideal for touring the best sites of Trieste.
    From here you can take an elevator that will take you directly to the castle. Follow the signs for Castello di San Giusto.
    0.4 mi
    15 min
    Castello di San Giusto

    Castello di San Giusto

    Open Details
    This castle was built by the Aurstro empire in the 14th century to defend the city. Its strategic location provides a view of the entire valley surrounding this hill. Needless to say that from its battlements there are breathtaking views. To be honest, that was the main reason why we got to visit it in the first place.
    If you are interested in visiting it, apart from the beautiful views, the castle museum tells its history through different rooms where you can see models, sculptures, paintings, armour and other objects that were part of this castle.
    It's open every day from 10:00 to 19:00 h. in summer and from 10:00 to 17:00 h. in winter. For more information here you can see its official website..
    0.1 mi
    5 min
    Cattedrale di San Giusto Martire

    Cattedrale di San Giusto Martire

    Open Details
    I know it's a romantic trip, but believe me, this cathedral is quite fascinating and it will move you. It has Byzantine mosaics and ceilings adorned with frescoes of extraordinary beauty.
    It's open weekdays from 8:00 to 18:30 sundays and public holidays from 9:00 to 19:30 h.
    0.4 mi
    10 min
    Giants' Stairway

    Giants' Stairway

    Open Details
    "It's a beautiful staircase when you go down it.... But when you have to climb it, believe me, you don't like it as much..." In any case, the walk is very nice and the panoramic views are breathtaking.
    0.4 mi
    10 min
    Caffè San Marco

    Caffè San Marco

    Open Details
    Trieste has several old cafés, in fact the coffee culture, all over Italy, is very important. But this is a special coffee I want to suggest to you. Why? .... Well, I fell in love with it as soon as I walked in: the atmosphere, the wooden tables, the decoration and, as if that wasn't enough, there is also an area with a bookshop.... It's an incredible place!
    The whole atmosphere of this place is filled with history and still floating in the air are the chats held between the customers, for generations, since it opened at the beginning of the 20th century.
    I've been in Trieste not long ago (a surprise my husband gave me as anniversary gift... oh.! ) and the first thing I thought about was returning to this café...
    The café opens Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 23:00 h. Saturdays from 8:30 to 23:45 h. and on Sundays from 9:00 to 21:00 h. For more informartion here's the website
    0.5 mi
    10 min
    Canal Grande

    Canal Grande

    Open Details
    In my opinion this is one of the most beautiful and romantic corners of the city. With its neoclassical buildings, the promenades on both banks of the canal with their terraces.... The best views of the canal are from its mouth, with the parish church of St. Anthony Thaumaturgus at the end and a view of the Serbian Church dome on one side.
    At sunset it is even more beautiful.
    0.3 mi
    10 min
    Roman Theatre of Trieste

    Roman Theatre of Trieste

    Open Details
    This well-preserved Roman theatre surprised me by the contrast that comes from strolling in the middle of the city and suddenly coming across this archaeological spectacle. Awesome!!
    It was also a surprise for some workmen who, several years ago, while excavating in this area to carry out some works, found that underneath there was a whole theatre in an extraordinary state of preservation.
    There are no tourist visits available to walk around it, although it is not necessary as it can be seen in its entirety from the pavement.
    0.2 mi
    5 min
    Piazza della Borsa

    Piazza della Borsa

    Open Details
    Another beautiful square in this city, where a large building with tall columns (and the one that stands out the most from the rest), used to be the stock exchange building and hence the name of the square.
    0.1 mi
    5 min
    Unity of Italy Square

    Unity of Italy Square

    Open Details
    I had never been in a square that opened to the sea and this place struck me. It is so wide and majestic. Beautiful. It deserves to be walked around calmly appreciating details in the buildings that surround it.
    In the center of the square is the fountain of the four continents ( "Four?"... Yes, at that time there was knowledge of Europe, Asia, Africa and America ... we are talking about the year 1751).
    But, enough of history, let's go back to the romantic side of this place. I suggest you cross to the seashore to contemplate La Scala Reale. A port created for the disembarkation of kings and queens, a port that once was the entrance to the city. It is an ideal spot to contemplate the sea, and also the square seen from here acquires a complete new nuance.
    0.2 mi
    5 min
    Chimera di Bacco

    Chimera di Bacco

    Open Details
    To round off this romantic getaway, dinner had to be held in a very special place and that's why I want to share with you this restaurant, which will remain in my memory forever... Why? Because I recently had a romantic anniversary dinner here with my husband. It was a surprise, my husband wanted to spend our anniversary making a quick trip to this city, where we had been when we were dating.... It was so beautiful!
    We had dinner here and it was a magical evening: the food and the atmosphere are simply perfect. I can't think of a better place for a dinner between two....
    I suggest you book in advance.
    Open Monday to Saturday from 12 to 14:30 and from 19 to 23.
    0.2 mi
    5 min
    Park San Giusto

    Park San Giusto

    Open Details
    Well, I add the car park where you have left your car just to remind you.
    I hope you had a wonderful day and that it will remain in your hearts forever.
    Thank you for choosing this route, it has been a pleasure to share these special places ( special for me..) with you.
    See you on the next route!
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